
killaer wrote:

Say I want to specialize for long range fighting. Say I outfit myself with a bunch of sniper rifles and long ranged assault rifles like the G3. And then the map switches to shipment. I'm kind of fucked in that case.
It's pretty amazing how one can contradict himself by quoting someone.

Bernadictus wrote:

M1014 - (shotgun) / RPD - (lmg) / M16 - (assault) / M21 - (sniper) / M14 - (assault) / R700 - (sniper) / P90 - smg / AK47U - smg / M4 - (assault) / M249SAW - (lmg)
I'm outfitted with weapons from all classes. Assault, SMG, LMG, Shotgun & Sniper. So what is your point? You want acces to all 40+ weapons? For what? Plan your ficking kits. Why outfit yourself with a M40A3, when it's in the standard Sniper kit? Same for the others.

If you fail at cooking up a good kit layout, you should de-install and go play Battlefield 2.

Bernadictus wrote:

killaer wrote:

Say I want to specialize for long range fighting. Say I outfit myself with a bunch of sniper rifles and long ranged assault rifles like the G3. And then the map switches to shipment. I'm kind of fucked in that case.
It's pretty amazing how one can contradict himself by quoting someone.

Bernadictus wrote:

M1014 - (shotgun) / RPD - (lmg) / M16 - (assault) / M21 - (sniper) / M14 - (assault) / R700 - (sniper) / P90 - smg / AK47U - smg / M4 - (assault) / M249SAW - (lmg)
I'm outfitted with weapons from all classes. Assault, SMG, LMG, Shotgun & Sniper. So what is your point? You want acces to all 40+ weapons? For what? Plan your ficking kits. Why outfit yourself with a M40A3, when it's in the standard Sniper kit? Same for the others.

If you fail at cooking up a good kit layout, you should de-install and go play Battlefield 2.
Lulz because the standard kit of the M40 sucks. Anyways I do okay with 5 slots. Very hard to choose what weaps I want for my 5 though I wouldn't mind if they gave us a couple more.

Lynx14 wrote:

Lulz because I sucks with the the standard kit of the M40. Anyways I do okay with 5 slots. Very hard to choose what weaps I want for my 5 though I wouldn't mind if they gave us a couple more.
Here fixed it for you. It's not an issue of a certain weapon 'sucking', it's the person wielding the weapon that sucks at it. I seem to have no issues with the standard M40A3 kit because I know the limits of the kit. It's not a gun-blazing-into-the-room kit, it's a Sniper kit, with a pistol as personal defense. When you are in need of using the secondary weapon, you made a mistake as a sniper.

FatherTed wrote:

David.P wrote:

Fuck the slots gimme my my british weapons!
Is there anything you don't bitch about?
Are you stupid? Or too drunk already to differentiate between wanting more weapons and bitching?

Bernadictus wrote:

killaer wrote:

Say I want to specialize for long range fighting. Say I outfit myself with a bunch of sniper rifles and long ranged assault rifles like the G3. And then the map switches to shipment. I'm kind of fucked in that case.
It's pretty amazing how one can contradict himself by quoting someone.

Bernadictus wrote:

M1014 - (shotgun) / RPD - (lmg) / M16 - (assault) / M21 - (sniper) / M14 - (assault) / R700 - (sniper) / P90 - smg / AK47U - smg / M4 - (assault) / M249SAW - (lmg)
I'm outfitted with weapons from all classes. Assault, SMG, LMG, Shotgun & Sniper. So what is your point? You want acces to all 40+ weapons? For what? Plan your ficking kits. Why outfit yourself with a M40A3, when it's in the standard Sniper kit? Same for the others.

If you fail at cooking up a good kit layout, you should de-install and go play Battlefield 2.
First off, how did I contradict myself?

Secondly, I do want to access all the weapons. Why the fuck shouldn't I? I'd outfit myself with the default sniper rifle because I want different PERKS that are not in the default sniper kit slot.
What's the point of your argument? You're saying that slots should be limited and you should have to plan for every single situation just because you have a limited amount of slots, and can't use everything at once?
Is there honestly something wrong with wanting to use all weapons and perks availible to you?
I'm not sure where BF2 comes into the situation either.
+22|7000|Philadelphia, PA

killaer wrote:

Bernadictus wrote:

killaer wrote:

Say I want to specialize for long range fighting. Say I outfit myself with a bunch of sniper rifles and long ranged assault rifles like the G3. And then the map switches to shipment. I'm kind of fucked in that case.
It's pretty amazing how one can contradict himself by quoting someone.

Bernadictus wrote:

M1014 - (shotgun) / RPD - (lmg) / M16 - (assault) / M21 - (sniper) / M14 - (assault) / R700 - (sniper) / P90 - smg / AK47U - smg / M4 - (assault) / M249SAW - (lmg)
I'm outfitted with weapons from all classes. Assault, SMG, LMG, Shotgun & Sniper. So what is your point? You want acces to all 40+ weapons? For what? Plan your ficking kits. Why outfit yourself with a M40A3, when it's in the standard Sniper kit? Same for the others.

If you fail at cooking up a good kit layout, you should de-install and go play Battlefield 2.
First off, how did I contradict myself?

Secondly, I do want to access all the weapons. Why the fuck shouldn't I? I'd outfit myself with the default sniper rifle because I want different PERKS that are not in the default sniper kit slot.
What's the point of your argument? You're saying that slots should be limited and you should have to plan for every single situation just because you have a limited amount of slots, and can't use everything at once?
Is there honestly something wrong with wanting to use all weapons and perks availible to you?
I'm not sure where BF2 comes into the situation either.
Don't even bother responding, Killaer.  Bernadictus seems to thrive on controversy in his threads.  By the time you finish the discussion with him, he'll have you arguing that the sky is really cerulean not blue.  He relishes the opportunity to correct grammar and hand out wrist slaps, as if being a pedantic professor is commensurate with being an effective moderator.

Maybe we should all just 'de-install [sic] and go play Battlefield 2'?  Then the 'controversy' in the COD4 forum would fade away a bit earlier.

FTR - COD4 should have additional Kit slots OR ability to tweak them in game OR the ability to see the title of the upcoming map before deciding how to tweak your custom kits before the timer runs out.  However, COD4 should also have a better server browser, larger map design, better spawn point system, and more engaging/persistent character development.  We can't have it all...

Last edited by GeoEnvi (2008-03-25 10:15:52)


Bernadictus wrote:

Lynx14 wrote:

Lulz because I sucks with the the standard kit of the M40. Anyways I do okay with 5 slots. Very hard to choose what weaps I want for my 5 though I wouldn't mind if they gave us a couple more.
Here fixed it for you. It's not an issue of a certain weapon 'sucking', it's the person wielding the weapon that sucks at it. I seem to have no issues with the standard M40A3 kit because I know the limits of the kit. It's not a gun-blazing-into-the-room kit, it's a Sniper kit, with a pistol as personal defense. When you are in need of using the secondary weapon, you made a mistake as a sniper.
Lmao, im not saying the M40 sucks im saying that the perks with the standard slot sucks. I have my own setup with the m40 and thank you very much I will not use the standard perks, eww.
+1,411|7055|FUCK UBISOFT

DefCon-17 wrote:

If they had 8 slots, people would be bitching about needing 10.

If there were 10, people would still be bitching.
so allow you to customize whilst in a game...
Mint Sauce
Frighteningly average
I think IW thought that people would use the preset kits alot more than they do, and I think I would if they were team specific, eg. the USMC get the M16, as they do, but the OpFor get the AK, and the SAS get the M4, and the Spetz get the AK. MP5 for USMC, P90 for SAS, AK-74u for OpFor and Uzi for Spetz, and so on...

But they didn't, and so people use Custom Kits pretty much all the time..
+1,411|7055|FUCK UBISOFT

Mint Sauce wrote:

I think IW thought that people would use the preset kits alot more than they do, and I think I would if they were team specific, eg. the USMC get the M16, as they do, but the OpFor get the AK, and the SAS get the M4, and the Spetz get the AK. MP5 for USMC, P90 for SAS, AK-74u for OpFor and Uzi for Spetz, and so on...

But they didn't, and so people use Custom Kits pretty much all the time..
I think I would play the game a lot more if they hadn't put unlocks and ranks in and had just kept it to team specific weapons.

Miggle wrote:

Mint Sauce wrote:

I think IW thought that people would use the preset kits alot more than they do, and I think I would if they were team specific, eg. the USMC get the M16, as they do, but the OpFor get the AK, and the SAS get the M4, and the Spetz get the AK. MP5 for USMC, P90 for SAS, AK-74u for OpFor and Uzi for Spetz, and so on...

But they didn't, and so people use Custom Kits pretty much all the time..
I think I would play the game a lot more if they hadn't put unlocks and ranks in and had just kept it to team specific weapons.
Edit: I played a mod like that. Only it restricted the teams to USMC and Opfor. US = M16, M4, M40, M249, And M1014. Opfor = AK47, Ak-74u, Svd, Rpd, and Rpg as main. But it sucked though. Extreme inbalance sometimes, No side-arms except for the rpg gunner(M1911a1) and USMC sniper(M9) And perk restriction was a bitch.

EDIT 2: Perk restriction was as follows(The ones that i can remember anyway)

USMC Assault: M16 with Acog or Grenade Launcher, Sleight of Hand, And Steady Aim.

Opfor Assault: AK47 with Grenade Launcher or Bandolier(Which really was'nt it worth it since you already spawned with double the ammo of vanilla) Juggernaut, And Extreme conditioning.

USMC Sniper: No level 1 perk, Stopping power, and Iron Lungs. And an M9. (Which is not unless you considered what the Opfor sniper had.)

Opfor Sniper: No level 1 perk, Juggernaut, and Deep Impact. (It sucked facing off against an Opfor sniper.)


USMC Demo: M1014, Frag x3, Sonic Boom, And Extreme Conditioning.

Opfor Demo: RPG x2, M1911a1, No level 1 perk, Sonic Boom, And Martyrdom. God i hated facing these guys.

I forgot what Spec ops and Heavy gunner were restricted to.

But it was nice mod to be honest, No heli's and Airstrikes made games a whole more fun. I only played to try the guns i had'nt unlocked.

Last edited by David.P (2008-03-25 13:56:28)


DefCon-17 wrote:

If they had 8 slots, people would be bitching about needing 10.

If there were 10, people would still be bitching.
Bitching for the sake of bitching.

Anyway, it's the player's fault if they're complaining about more custom kit slots if they can't balance their classes according the maps.
Fantasma Parastasie
There are 5 slots. A large part of the players complain.
There are 8 slots. A fraction of that part still complains.
There are 10 slots. Almost nobody complains.

I like the AK-47. I like the M4. I like the M14, and also a sniper rifle, an LMG, an SMG, and a kit dedicated to stabbing. I don't just have one kit per gun: depending on the map I switch between steady aim and deep impact, together with some other perks. This means:

two for the AK, two for the M4, one for the M14, one sniper kit, one LMG kit, one SMG kit, and one stabbing kit.

That's nine kits right there. I could drop the LMG kit if pressed, leaving 8 kits which I regularly use depending on game mode, map, mood, and enemy.

There is no need to say things like "stop bitching", bernadictus. Some players will not see the need for more than 5 kits. Maybe they only like a few guns, or maybe they don't really care about what gun or kit they're using. Some players will carefully try each gun and kit and, CoD4 being more balanced than most fps games, not be able to reach a conclusion of what their ideal kit is. However, even a player who likes a wide variety of kits will have a hard time making more than 10 that he actually uses. Thus, increasing the kit count would make workarounds such as planning (read: restricting yourself to certain situations) unneeded and make plenty of players happier, without any negative effects on the game.

Although, I suppose that "but i can make do with 5 kits so you don't need more" is a completely valid argument anyway, so I suppose that makes this post useless. Damn, I wish reasoning and logic were real concepts.

GeoEnvi wrote:

Don't even bother responding, Killaer.  Bernadictus seems to thrive on controversy in his threads.  By the time you finish the discussion with him, he'll have you arguing that the sky is really cerulean not blue.  He relishes the opportunity to correct grammar and hand out wrist slaps, as if being a pedantic professor is commensurate with being an effective moderator.
Lol he's just mad cause steve jobs didn't return his love letters.

firebolt5 wrote:

DefCon-17 wrote:

If they had 8 slots, people would be bitching about needing 10.

If there were 10, people would still be bitching.
Bitching for the sake of bitching.

Anyway, it's the player's fault if they're complaining about more custom kit slots if they can't balance their classes according the maps.
No. It's not bitching for the sake of bitching, and that's a bad way of looking at it. You're saying that players are at fault because the game falls short on giving him enough custom slots, and the player has to make sure that at least one of his kits can take on the situation.

Well then I can't really specialize. What if I want to make 5 kits totaly devoted to close quarters combat? And what happens when a map that requires you to use long range weaponry comes up? Are you saying it's my fault?
Well why shouldn't I be able to specialize in 5 kits of close quarters, and 5 kits of long range weaponry?
Wait, I just realized something.

For the people that are arguing against adding more slots: What the fuck is the point?

Imagine IW adds X ammount of custom slots into the game.
How the fuck would that negatively affect you at all? I mean, what the hell is the point of arguing against it at ALL?
Are you guys just arguing for the sake of arguing? I really don't understand, enlighten me. Really, why would you care if they did it?
+22|7000|Philadelphia, PA

killaer wrote:

Wait, I just realized something.

For the people that are arguing against adding more slots: What the fuck is the point?

Imagine IW adds X ammount of custom slots into the game.
How the fuck would that negatively affect you at all? I mean, what the hell is the point of arguing against it at ALL?
Are you guys just arguing for the sake of arguing? I really don't understand, enlighten me. Really, why would you care if they did it?
Ding ding ding.... We have a winner!

The point... realized.
No, really.

I think I've hit gold here.

killaer wrote:

Wait, I just realized something.

For the people that are arguing against adding more slots: What the fuck is the point?

Imagine IW adds X ammount of custom slots into the game.
How the fuck would that negatively affect you at all? I mean, what the hell is the point of arguing against it at ALL?
Are you guys just arguing for the sake of arguing? I really don't understand, enlighten me. Really, why would you care if they did it?
I wanna see how ted and bernie will try to negate this. Wait i do know how! Ted will call you a whiny noob and Bernie will Lock! Cause they cant fathom being wrong, Not even once! Too much of an Ego they both have.

firebolt5 wrote:

This is a good and well thought out reply. Thank you for your input, but would you care to elaborate a bit?
+632|6929|do not disturb

killaer wrote:

firebolt5 wrote:

This is a good and well thought out reply. Thank you for your input, but would you care to elaborate a bit?
5 preset kits, 5 custom.

Phrozenbot wrote:

killaer wrote:

firebolt5 wrote:

This is a good and well thought out reply. Thank you for your input, but would you care to elaborate a bit?
5 preset kits, 5 custom.
Okay. There are 5 preset kits and 5 custom kits.

Thank you for telling me that. And, what does this have to do with balance?
Back to the Fuhrer
+208|6274|Places 'n such

killaer wrote:

Phrozenbot wrote:

killaer wrote:

This is a good and well thought out reply. Thank you for your input, but would you care to elaborate a bit?
5 preset kits, 5 custom.
Okay. There are 5 preset kits and 5 custom kits.

Thank you for telling me that. And, what does this have to do with balance?
I can see that Having too many slots could be bad... ie higher levels will have a distinct advantage over lower levels in being able to adapt to any situation.

But putting it up to 10 slots can do no harm at all, it'll improve the game completely and cut out one of the common complaints
I'd type my pc specs out all fancy again but teh mods would remove it. Again.
Just change your kits before you enter a server.
If you want more custom slots, download the mod tools and figure out a way to do it.
Go into modded servers, some modded servers allow players to change their kit in game.
5 kits are enough.

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