DeathUnlimited wrote:
RAM is the first bottleneck you have. CPU the second. The ram is a bit more urgent though.
If I were you I'd save some up and get something along these lines:
OCZ Platinum: … 6820227139 $29
E4500: … 6819115031 $120
Also if you have/get a good cooler, you can overclock that CPU a lot and gain very good performance!
PBAsydney wrote:
I recommend the Intel Core 2 Duo E6600, it's powerful and it overclocks well (I have one myself)
Never. If your mobo supports E8400, it is a lot better buy. Cheaper and faster and clocks better.
Um...I am gonna dissagree.
My last computer was a 2.4 P4, and while going from 1gig ram to 2 gig ram will really help a the end it will suck because the CPU isn't that great.
One reason they say you need a new mother board is because the CPU socket for a P4 and a dual core chip is can't just upgrade the to a new CPU.
I would heavily reccoment that if you can limp along with what you have no you do it...and save your ass off for a new computer.
My computer was APG that made it a little worse...But trying to drag the old computer along into the future will just have you buy part after part until you realize its hopeless.
If your mother board doesn't take DDR2 ram, any ram you buy you will be throwing out once you realize you want to upgrade further and change the MB...I guess ram is getting cheap enough that this isn't as bad as when I had to throw away the 2gig I just paid over $100 for but still...
You have the video card and a case... A motherboard is ~$100, and CPU is ~$250...Then you will only have to buy ram once, and you computer will kick so much more ass it will be rediculous. Giving up on the old P4 machine for an E6600, with DDR2 ram was just something I regreted not doing before I spent so much energy (& money) on the old machine.