Jenspm wrote:
haffeysucks wrote:
Firefox 3 on Tuesday...
Opera 9.5 > FF3.
Come on, not this shit again.
Firefox and opera on my computer load pages almost equally fast. Opera switches between previously viewed pages instantly, but flash/html/images load after. Firefox loads everything instantly, but there is a delay in switching. When measuring the time to completely render a viewed page, firefox is SLIGHTLY slower (like .05 seconds, not noticeable.) Loading new pages, i again saw almost no difference in speed, it's that insignificant. Mind you, my firefox is loaded down with almost 40 extensions to boot, most of which i found out opera had default.
Opera fantards, your internets is only faster to the point where netphiles would hardly notice, quit overexaggerating. Firefox fantards, your internets is only better because of extensions, out of the box opera is the best equipped browser.
My preference, firefox, just too useful, but should i find myself on a computer that needs good nets, i cant be arsed to find all those extensions and will just use opera.
/stupid shitty myinternetsisbetterthanyoursbutintheendweareallretarded arguement.