So over the last few weeks I've collected a few fraps recordings of BF2, today I went to sort a few out and I can't view any files.
I've reinstalled Fraps twice (also uninstalled before), when trying to play with VLC/Winamp I don't get any error messages, no still images, no audio. Just as if the codec wasn't installed.
Now, I had some really nice TVs against jets, tank shells Vs. jets and some dog fights. I'd really not like to have to start again.
The files appear the same size (3.9 GB) and haven't changed location. What's gone wrong, how can I check they're not corrupted?
I've reinstalled Fraps twice (also uninstalled before), when trying to play with VLC/Winamp I don't get any error messages, no still images, no audio. Just as if the codec wasn't installed.
Now, I had some really nice TVs against jets, tank shells Vs. jets and some dog fights. I'd really not like to have to start again.
The files appear the same size (3.9 GB) and haven't changed location. What's gone wrong, how can I check they're not corrupted?