Bertster7 wrote:
G-NOT_(:0) wrote:
Bertster7 wrote:
I've seen so many people (hundreds) lose all their data due to using RAID0 setups. For typical usage RAID0 is a bad idea, for dedicated storage it is nothing short of idiotic.
In your opinion that may be so, but saying hundreds of people losing their data cuz of raid 0 is far-fetched. Unless if you know them in person, not based on different sites and forums.
I'm saying it based on having repaired their machines and having to inform them they've lost all their data.
G-NOT_(:0) wrote:
Plus a comment saying it being "idiotic" wouldn't be the case, it's just how people, like myself would run things. There's plenty of faulty HDD's out there that has an effect to it. Not to mention most people (not saying how much) run it in raid 0 for their whole set-up wouldn't make it any different from having it only for storage.
Very few people run RAID0 for their whole system setup. It is idiotic. It's also very stupid to run it as your system disk. RAID0 is only useful for fairly small volume drives that need to transfer data very quickly and where access times are not critical, which for a system disk they obviously are. Many video editors use RAID0 setups well for their intended purpose performing large operations on huge files on their arrays, but there are few examples in general of where RAID0 setups will be of general benefit.
G-NOT_(:0) wrote:
You're not really using it as much, as you normally would if it was your dedicated HD. Only time it be used is when you transfer or dl different files. Then it decreases the life expectancy or maybe it wouldn't, it's all based on your judgment and if you tested it yourself to see if it was "idiotic" or stupid in that manner.
Based on your own judgment? My judgment is that anyone running RAID0 for a dedicated storage drive is an idiot and that's my professional opinion.
It's funny how you say most people if not ALL are "stupid" and "idiotic", when running raid. Plenty of people run RAID, not just large businesses or editors. I have three of buds, that run RAID0 for their setup and it's been over a year. So idk know where you get off when saying that. HDD's are used in many different ways, depending how they use it. Like some, buy 10,000RPM HD's for the sole purpose to run OS or store info only. If they put it in RAID0, only for storage, it is really stupid. But in my case, its only a mere 7200RPM HD with a capacity of 250gb's and I have over 200 gigs of movies/20 gigs of music and the rest are photos. So having one HD for this isn't going to cut it. But you're probably wondering, why can't he just buy a 500GB and be done. Well, I rather have 2 x 250 in RAID0 and access my info FASTER and only spend 120$, then spending over 300-400$ in HD's just to store my info. Who cares if doesn't last me 5 years, I'm not concerned about that, and I don't' expect it too last that long either. Besides, I consider 1 year a lengthy time for a RAID setup. Then I'll purchase something much better, but for now, I'm happy with my setup, so if you still disagree, then do. Other than that, keep pleasing yourself by call others, "stupid" & "idiotic". If that's your character, then so be it, I'm going to criticize you for that. Besides, I consider myself pretty knowledgeable about computers and what not to get and so on and so forth. Also, you don't have to be a professional to know whats a good setup or not, it's just your opinion, or as you say it "professional" opinion. Not everyone views everything the same.