As we all know, some maps are more suited to certain forms of whoredom than others. I'm curious to know where people like to do their thing and possibly get some ideas about what constitutes a cunning strategy on specific maps.
In fact, I have a theory: it is my belief that knowing what to whore and when to whore it is what makes a good BF2 player. A good player to me is one who can adapt to any circumstances and be successful on any map. Alas, I am far from being such a player as my BF2 skillset is woefully incomplete.
Here are some of my favourite whoring habitats:
Anti Tank kit - As an anti tank noob, I have developed a fondness for the rapid fire, high velocity cannon that is the noble RPG. That means you will often find me RPGing on Rebel and Insurgent vehicle maps these days. You can reload this thing so fast that mauling armour single-handedly is a serious prospect.
Assault kit - Ghost Town. This map is awesome for GLing. The grappling hook can get you everywhere on the map, and once you get there you can rain noobtube doom upon your hapless foes. Also, thanks to the aforementioned rope of grappling goodness, no sniper is safe from getting a knife in the sphincter.
Engineer - anywhere with tanks. I like Jalalabad and Great wall, cos there is more than one tank per side and thus less of a scramble to get one. Maps with airpower tend to make tanks worse than redundant, sadly.
Jets - All my jet whoring gets done on Road Rage and Midnight Sun, where I can chill the fuck out, drop my bombs and strafe jeeps in peace without some tiresome person trying to shoot me down. Any jet is fine with me, although the Q5 can be tricky to handle if you've been in an A-10 the previous round.
AA - I like to whore this badboy on Operation Harvest. On a good day easy kills by the littlebird-full provide much amusement...on other days savvy chopper whores will unsportingly hover outside lock range and pepper me with TV missiles.
Everything else - If I'm not whoring one of the above, I'm probably running and gunning on IO or some infantry-friendly vehicle map (Great Wall, Iron Gator, etc).
In fact, I have a theory: it is my belief that knowing what to whore and when to whore it is what makes a good BF2 player. A good player to me is one who can adapt to any circumstances and be successful on any map. Alas, I am far from being such a player as my BF2 skillset is woefully incomplete.
Here are some of my favourite whoring habitats:
Anti Tank kit - As an anti tank noob, I have developed a fondness for the rapid fire, high velocity cannon that is the noble RPG. That means you will often find me RPGing on Rebel and Insurgent vehicle maps these days. You can reload this thing so fast that mauling armour single-handedly is a serious prospect.
Assault kit - Ghost Town. This map is awesome for GLing. The grappling hook can get you everywhere on the map, and once you get there you can rain noobtube doom upon your hapless foes. Also, thanks to the aforementioned rope of grappling goodness, no sniper is safe from getting a knife in the sphincter.
Engineer - anywhere with tanks. I like Jalalabad and Great wall, cos there is more than one tank per side and thus less of a scramble to get one. Maps with airpower tend to make tanks worse than redundant, sadly.
Jets - All my jet whoring gets done on Road Rage and Midnight Sun, where I can chill the fuck out, drop my bombs and strafe jeeps in peace without some tiresome person trying to shoot me down. Any jet is fine with me, although the Q5 can be tricky to handle if you've been in an A-10 the previous round.
AA - I like to whore this badboy on Operation Harvest. On a good day easy kills by the littlebird-full provide much amusement...on other days savvy chopper whores will unsportingly hover outside lock range and pepper me with TV missiles.
Everything else - If I'm not whoring one of the above, I'm probably running and gunning on IO or some infantry-friendly vehicle map (Great Wall, Iron Gator, etc).