Since then I've been stuck on a Asus Terminator C3 which is crap. ( 800mhz, 512mb, integrated graphics/sound)
I'm sick and tired of this computer. time for a new build. And I need your help to build me one, and since I haven't really been up to date. I'm behind in everything.
So my conditions are;
- $2000CDN with taxes (a loan I'm getting for a computer)
- Can buy from Canadian site, like
- Not the most expensive components (ie. paying 200$ more for a video card for only a small performance gain. not worth it, I could use the money elsewhere)
- Lots of HDD space.
- Need new monitor (something like 22" would be good, not too big and doesn't have to be fancy)
- Gaming headset (no speakers since I'm moving with a buddy and will have both comps in same room)
- Not a flashy case (I already had a plexi-glass case with lights and shit, also had a Antec 900 )
- Need a couple of games, so keep that in mind when doing the budget!
That's all I can think of right now.