OK, I dropped my Sony Ericsson K550i yesterday on the floor. I noticed a few hours after that, two lines of dead pixels next to each other. I woke up this morning and the lines have grown. They're just two black lines of dead pixels.
Is the screen leaking and when those black lines reach the edge, will I have liquid crystals oozing out into my phone? I don't see any cracks in the display at all beneath the plastic screen. The camera still works and all the functions of the phone seem to work just fine.
Should I look into buying an LCD replacement kit? Or can I just ignore the damage and just put up with having two black lines across the middle of my display?
The warranty expired last month (the tech gods hate me), so I can't send it in for replacement on warranty repair. I am going to see how much the store wants to fix it, though, but if it's more than €30, I may just buy a replacement kit if it needs replacing.
So? Thoughts?
Is the screen leaking and when those black lines reach the edge, will I have liquid crystals oozing out into my phone? I don't see any cracks in the display at all beneath the plastic screen. The camera still works and all the functions of the phone seem to work just fine.
Should I look into buying an LCD replacement kit? Or can I just ignore the damage and just put up with having two black lines across the middle of my display?
The warranty expired last month (the tech gods hate me), so I can't send it in for replacement on warranty repair. I am going to see how much the store wants to fix it, though, but if it's more than €30, I may just buy a replacement kit if it needs replacing.
So? Thoughts?