I did just get a new PSU (corsair FTW) and a new graphics card (9800GT ftw, <never had an Nvidia, a fresh step from ATi, inb4 driver problems)
anyways, it's my B-day soon (month, so I can wait for price drops) and I plan on building a new computer (I mean leeching off my loved ones for new computer parts because i'm a bum) and I need recommendations. (my budget is around $500-$700, my current draft build amounted to under $600 easily, since I don't need a new graphics card or PSU, SLi may be an option but I already have 1 card, so if I survey it, I can probably do it if I have some wiggle room in the budget)
I had a build going but i'm not 100% sure, really I want intel C2D for sure (maybe quad if you really convince me , but meh), somewhere along the lines of an e8400/8500 (they seem to have good reviews for gaming right?)
>>mobo >>http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128359 maybe? some people said those mosfet thingies got in the way of the sunbeam core contact/xigmatek stuff, I don't want to mod anything physically that voids the warranty yet, shhh OC'ing doesn't void it psssh
>>CPU >>http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819115037 is the e8500 worth it or what? is the 8000 series crap for gaming like some of the other C2Ds were? I don't know the purpose for wolfdales, if they were 3D/etc or whatnot
and I need a quality motherboard (a real name brand, as much as this foxconn has lasted me without hiccups, it's OC options are crap, it used a thirdparty manufacturer, RE winfast who are they, and it is mATX, limited features, and it's a 939 with DDR 400)
For motherboards I was looking for maybe Asus, gigabyte looked tempting, but i'm reading conflicts about the "mosfets" being too big and messing with certain heatsinks (I don't have any money to dick around with things like little copper heatsinks on northbridges and souths) so yeah. Asus, gigabyte, maybe XFX, the big name manufacturers that make sub $150 boards that have good reviews, MSI maybe) I'm kinda aiming at DDR2 800-1066, with some OC options (so I can get more money out of the e8400/500 whichever is the better one, but if there's a better dual core for the same price, please tell )[/color]
I'm not aiming for a huge overclock, just enough maybe to give me a noticeable performance boost, i'm not 100% in-the-know with these new LGA 775 45nm processors that use lower voltage ratings and stuff. I have had this 939 amd64 athlon 4000+ OC'd at 2.6Ghz since forever (my first real system upgrade, i'm still a 'kid' per se, thus I can easily justify not upgrading to a new comp every 2 months like some people do)
sunbeam core contact, looks like a gem, need some feedback >>http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835207004
antec 300>>http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811129042
For OC'ing, i'll be on air, I can't run water, numerous reasons, but anyways, I'm aiming for an antec 300 (I have no case experience and this looks like a good one for the price) and I'll probably add a 120 intake, so I need a recommendation for that x2 since theres 2 intakes. I JUST saw some posts about good HSF for 775s and I saw some recommendations for "Sunbeam Core Contact" and The "Xigmatek s1283" and I see posts here, nameably max with his uber builds with CPU HSF stuff that looks like those two (they look too similar to distinguish from angles) So any better recommendations for the parts, if there's proven better parts etc
for memory i'm drawing a complete blank, I need a possible OC'able memory, I'm a safe overclocker I might say, I don't want to fry parts, so I'm not going to want to buy the "omg ubar I can overclock this 100% ram" since that stuff usually costs like $150+ and in my experience RAM went down so much it's not worth investing in it like people used to (I remember a few years ago 512mb PC 3200 was like $50 a stick) So I need quality but not expensive RAM recommendations, I saw OCZ, maybe corsair, G.Skill (I have these budget ones, they never failed me, but then again theres only so much headroom) etc
and I already have a nice SATA 3gb/s HDD picked out (I have been managing with this 111gb HDD IDE ata 100 IIRC since this thing was first bought, don't ask it's a long story) HDD>> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a … 6822148262 looks nice, but yeah
I use colors to add depth and interesting elements
PS.no srs, these are gifts i'm recieving (lol you know what gifts you're going to get?) and I want this thing to last, it's not my money remailing these things if they break because they just may be cheap parts in disguise.
also I'm not big on optical drives, and my PSU is brand new stable at 650W, which should be fine since they reduced die sizes and my perception of power consumption is skewed, and this will technically be a mid-end system as soon as the new GTX series is released lawl (corsair 650TX, it has very nice amps on all rails),
and while not a requirement, I always buy parts off newegg, nothing bad has happened from any of the parts I recieved there, their customer support seems like it may exist, and they have outlined policies+ they 'used' to be cheaper than other places (plus their shipping is nice and cheap+nice, UPS reigns supreme where i'm at)
Last edited by MECtallica (2009-01-05 17:29:50)