I'm relatively set on the GTX295. Whether it's the current version or the March/April revision doesn't really bother me anymore, because PCI-e isn't as close to being dead as AGP was when I build my last rig, so I'll actually be able to upgrade this time around. That aside, I'd like to be able to offload physics function onto another video card.
Looking at two cards:
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a … 6814130440 (1GB 9800GT, $150)
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a … 6814130380 [512MB 9800GT, $115 (currently $80 with CoD5, unadvertised)]
I'm leaning towards the 512MB because it's half the price and comes bundled with a couple more goodies, but the one thing that a quick googling hasn't garnished for me was how much RAM these physics processes take. The reason I'm leaning towards the 9800's in the first place is that they are low profile cards and won't get in my way too much.
Another thing I have to make sure of is that there won't be any technical difficulty blending a 295 with a 9800. I've seen pictures, but I'd still like to make sure.
Looking at two cards:
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a … 6814130440 (1GB 9800GT, $150)
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a … 6814130380 [512MB 9800GT, $115 (currently $80 with CoD5, unadvertised)]
I'm leaning towards the 512MB because it's half the price and comes bundled with a couple more goodies, but the one thing that a quick googling hasn't garnished for me was how much RAM these physics processes take. The reason I'm leaning towards the 9800's in the first place is that they are low profile cards and won't get in my way too much.
Another thing I have to make sure of is that there won't be any technical difficulty blending a 295 with a 9800. I've seen pictures, but I'd still like to make sure.
Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2009-01-12 02:20:51)