Why do you spell 'literature' and 'theatre' like such a moron?
It ruins your profound image.
It ruins your profound image.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
Uzique, play nice, he's new!Uzique wrote:
Why do you spell 'literature' and 'theatre' like such a moron?
It ruins your profound image.
That's all you needed to sayPochsy wrote:
Fatherted, name is pronounced "Poxy". The spelling is an anagram for psycho
mek do i really need to say it!Mekstizzle wrote:
That's all you needed to sayPochsy wrote:
Fatherted, name is pronounced "Poxy". The spelling is an anagram for psycho
For all we know he could be French speaking, or just simply not arsed about getting every word rightUzique wrote:
Sorry, but it's a little perplexing when someone is so circumlocutory and attempts eloquence, only to then fail at spelling the simplest of words.
Apparently he's a 'modern liturature' student. Except he struggles to spell the name of his course.FatherTed wrote:
For all we know he could be French speaking, or just simply not arsed about getting every word rightUzique wrote:
Sorry, but it's a little perplexing when someone is so circumlocutory and attempts eloquence, only to then fail at spelling the simplest of words.
'Apparently' was rather appropriately used considering the errant spelling errors. Oh and circumlocution isn't necessarily 'proper' prose - not by any standard of literature.Pochsy wrote:
Lol you're right, both of you. And "apparently" makes you sound like a jackass when I've told you I am, watch out for that. I was typing quickly because I needed to see a friend off at the subway, so forgive my minor spelling error. Oh and theater is spelt correctly, here in Canada both theater and theatre are acceptable, or at least it has been to my knowledge. This is what peturbs you on a gaming forum?
Oh and thanks for considering my prose circumlocutory, I pride myself in its proper practice. Perhaps the commas give you this impression.
Last edited by Pochsy (2009-02-23 11:19:07)
Last edited by Uzique (2009-02-23 11:18:26)
Last edited by Pochsy (2009-02-23 11:54:21)