+6|6538|beach, USA
I think we can all admit that Karkand is (love it or hate it) the most played map in BF2.  What I am wondering, from a playability/design viewpoint, is what makes it so playable?  It will obviously be more than one factor, so try to keep responses fairly clear.  And refrain from discussions revolving around how its the noob map, please.  I would like to hear about map playability, not map players.

My top four thoughts:
No air vehicles so no one gets pounded mercilessly.  The majority of players play on the ground, and there are few things more frustrating than seeing those big fat bombs falling on your head and knowing that you can't do a lot about it other than standing in line hoping that your button is held down harder than the other guy's.

Fairly linear layout, in that its possible to get to the back flags but difficult to do undetected.  Once back flags are taken, it is still a linear battle.  You always know where the fight is and usually where it will be next.

Fairly flat layout, with clear lines of sight and fire.  You can see where the opposition is moving and either engage from afar or plan a route to them.

High flag density that doesn't require a two-minute walk/run to the next flag.  You can re-spawn and be re-engaged in 20-30 seconds.  Most BF2 players are hyper and want to shoot stuff, not walk for 5 minutes to get caught in the open and die.

What else?

Sorry for the short answer, but I would say points (SPM) is the main factor. People like to see lots of points in a short amount of time playing.
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
TITS or gtfo.
+97|6834|Polish state of EU
RISING POINTS AND KDR thanks to reviving faggotry. I never play infantry and try to play karkand as less as possible, cause 24/7 infantry Kark whoring is pure lame... dudes, this is not true Battlefield...
Not looking at public noob gaming but on competitive gaming, the map is the best one designed by the DICE crew to play infantry.
Lots of cover, clear view, shoot angles, advancement to the next flag, map control, tactical jumps etc.

Its like playing chess on a low level. Or quake in 2D.

For those with good sound cards its pretty easy to rush the enemy at corners.

It is just the most playable infantry map. Sharqi is too dark and open and mashtuur is a bit too big at some places.
+4|6600|Whoring the helicopters
Nade/Clay spam
+6|6538|beach, USA
And we're off....on the wrong foot.  blacklupus is the only one that mentioned the map itself.  If you want to discuss SPM or whoring, at least tie it back to map features that promote the activity.  Tight passages, bottlenecks, etc.  Map *design* features are what I am interested in.
Da Blooze
It's a mix of some of the aforementioned factors I think, and a lot of this is based simply on personal tastes...if I made a list of my favorite maps to play inf. on, karkand would be close to the bottom, but that's probably due to the amount of nadespam I've endured on it. 

I think Karkand is arguably one of the easiest maps to play based on its "linear" design, which makes it pretty intuitive for beginners.  Plus, it's got self-perpetuation on it's side: people who first decided that it is the "best" map for infantry pumped out a bunch of 24/7 Karkand servers (or made servers that play it every other map or something similar), so that a good majority of incoming players got used to playing lots of karkand over and over and over, and now they essentially need to play Karkand to have any chance at getting good scores.  So when these people decide to band together to get a server, you can bet your sweet ass it's gonna play a helluva lot of Karkand.

I can't get over how few servers we have stateside that actually have a rotation of more than 1-3 maps...it's entirely possible to have 7 different maps (small/medium versions) in a rotation that are incredibly fun when played infantry only:

Small Songhua
Small Oman
Small Jalalabad
Med. Mashtuur
Med. Karkand
Small Kubra
Med. Sharqi

There are some Euro. servers that have pretty good rotations and are generally populated, but I like to have less than 180 ping.

blacklupus wrote:

the map is the best one designed by the DICE crew to play infantry.
That pretty much sums it up. Most other maps do not place flags so close together let alone an uncap that close to a captureable one. I personally hate bottle necks because it leaves little room for strategy and promotes spam and total chaos. I know some may disagree with me but I/O was a horrible mistake that was patched in for noobs who couldn't deal with fighting vehicles. Karakand is so popular because majority of the BF2 players are noobs and the rest of us are stuck playing with them. For example I do not consider myself a pro or anything but I hate the map and yet my stats say it is my favorite

My favorites are:
Operation Harvest
Ghost Town
Great Wall
Daqing Oilfields
Highway Tampa

Last edited by Evil_Black_Fox (2009-06-15 13:42:20)

El Beardo
steel woolly mammoth
+150|6033|Gulf Coast

Has to do something with early round nade spamming.....since it's happened every time I've ever played that map....EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME!
There is.
+1,380|7004|Devon, England

El Beardo wrote:

Has to do something with early round nade spamming.....since it's happened every time I've ever played that map....EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME!

It annoys the shit out of me when people do this:

*Run down the hill*
*Die by grenade*
*Run down the hill*
*Dies again*

And repeat.

Know what I do? If I die going one way, I'll find another.

I NEVER go straight for the hotel flag at the start of a Karkand round. The only time I ever will is if I go round from the sides, I'll still never go directly  at it.

And I see 3/4 of the team doing the above stupidity every round.

Well, actually, now I think on it, cannon fodder's always good to have.
El Beardo
steel woolly mammoth
+150|6033|Gulf Coast

FFLink13 wrote:

El Beardo wrote:

Has to do something with early round nade spamming.....since it's happened every time I've ever played that map....EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME!
So people can only throw grenades in the front entrance now? Must be a new feature.
+6|6538|beach, USA
I do the same, which I think is one of the reasons Kark works well.  I typically try to slip by on the right side first.  If that is covered heavily, I will try the left side.  If thats covered, I try the hole in the fence on the left side and run to Square.  It works well because you are always near the action, but you have the possibility to slip by.  As opposed to a wide open map like Songhua, where you can drive in a 80 mile circle unhindered and cap a back flag.  At which point you start playing ring-around-the-rosie, moving to the next flag while the first flag is recaptured.

I am looking to get a broader understanding of the gameplay mechanics that go into a popular map, beyond my own understanding.
It provides the tightest infantry combat overall. Chokepoints are well laid out with the one exception being the bridge stalemate (that was made even harder after 1.2). Armour vehicles are limited in that they have narrow streets to go down which leaves the infantry having their fights in between buildings.

No air vehicles mean there wasn't any restriction in how small the map could be which means that you don't have to spend long before you're fighting on the frontlines and it means infantry worry less (and since the majority of people are playing infantry, they're going to flock to where it's easiest to have fun).

The map just makes infantry combat far more accessible and since most people are going to end up playing infantry, they go to the place it's easiest for them.
+244|7002|arica harbour
karkand is the funnest map in BF2 assuming nade spamming is not rampant. last time i played in that map i got team killed more than a dozen times.
+48|6796|P-way, NJ
People probably like it for a few reason, the close gun battles, which means the flags are new each other, no running around for 10 hours to get to a flag. Can get points easier, either if its revive whoring because of the nade spammers who sit on the top of the hill and just nade the whole round and you can't get to em because of a stupid server rule.
.yag era uoy fi siht deaR
Not having to run a marathon to find someone to kill, close flags.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

It's the yellow fog that they love. No other map has quite the amount or hue that is present on karkand.
be nice
+2,646|6767|The Twilight Zone
Great panorama view from suburb
karkand=map for inf players or tank whores ;D SPM is one reason(because) lots of players wanna have good rank as fast as possible.. i hate karkand.. -.-

my favorite maps:kubra,gulf ,dragon
Best ___ in Aus

El Beardo wrote:

FFLink13 wrote:

El Beardo wrote:

Has to do something with early round nade spamming.....since it's happened every time I've ever played that map....EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME!
So people can only throw grenades in the front entrance now? Must be a new feature.
Use dat fing in ur hed wat 4 finkin rite and u figur out wear da nades is landin and u avoid it ye. Dying a few itmes by nades is ok but I lol at people who constantly get killed by nades. Adapt please

I'd say karkand is popular because every flag is a unique battle, hotel, square, suburb, crossing the river, capping gatehouse, going in the warehouse, getting the idiots off of the factory and so on

Linearity is a factor too. It's just the right amount. It's not so linear you're forced to go for a particular flag but at the same time its not so open that people get lost and have no idea what to do
Direct play, no shit snipers sitting in bushes 300 meters away aiming at your body, no random L85 heros sitting on top of buildings prone with 5 medpacks. Taking advantage of the map situation is over used, it isn't intelligent to sit back at Hotel Roof and snipe at people on Mosque flag, it's just bad play.

Karkand is an easy map to get used to and understand, it's also a pretty good fight between US and MEC for the first two flags, after that the combat is too far open for it to be fun. For instance - running from square to cap gateway is totally shit because you always get some random squad of bads sitting on top of the hill near the road spamming everything they can, it's also exactly the same when you defend, always a squad of US running up the side road trying to get behind the spawns, just irritating and boring.
+15|6119|Malaga, Spain
While I don't play much Karkand these days, I do think it is one of the best designed maps. Mainly for the reasons identified by the OP. Obviously urban maps with no aircraft are always going to be popular because they are just easier to learn to play, and offer plenty of intense action without too much waiting around.

Good things about Karkand - it's fairly flat, with clean firing angles. This leads to some good firefights.
-There is plenty of cover, which leads to plenty of reviving. You get shot, you buddy can save you without necessarily having to rush out and get killed himself. Which, like it or not, makes for more fun for most casual players because they are likely to get a positive k/d, especially on IO.
-You can employ a wide range of weapons effectively because you can fight close quarters in the alleys or shoot down long streets if you prefer.
-There is a good variety in the areas you can fight in. The East side of the map is very different to the west. Fighting in the warehouse can be a lot of fun and is very different to, say, a battle between the train accident and the square, or the square and the hotel. Then there is the standoff that can occur at the bridge. Some people hate it, but it can be interesting trying to break the standoff.

I'd say Karkand has about the happiest balance when it comes to flag proximity and density of chokepoints. In comparison, further to the open, exposed end of the scale we have Mashtuur and further to the closed up, dense end of the scale we have Sharqui. Relative to karkand, on Mashtuur you can find yourself a little exposed with no cover and on Sharqui the combat can be at close quarters all the time which leads to chaotic situations that you have less control over. Karkand is in the middle. Jalalabad is a little tank-heavy for some people's tastes, plus the MEC are at a pretty major disadvantage (I personally love that map). I think Blue Pearl is going to be very popular when 1.5 comes out.

Other reasons why a lot of people have Karkand as their most played map, even when it's not their favourite, are:(1) it is always possible to find a server. I might want to play Leviathan (a map which, incidentally, is a lot like Karkand at night) at 3am, but not many other people do. It's nearly always possible to find a server with Karkand or Warlord or Ghost Town at any time of the day or night, even if we would rather play another map. (2) Rounds on Karkand last a long time because ticket bleed is low on that map. If the USMC capture a single flag there is no ticket bleed and this usually lasts the entire round. Hence the round lasts a very long time and we all clock up a lot of Karkand hours.
Kark I/O should be called "Ammo bags, Nades, clays, sniper riffles and shock paddles only."

FFLink13 wrote:

El Beardo wrote:

Has to do something with early round nade spamming.....since it's happened every time I've ever played that map....EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME!

It annoys the shit out of me when people do this:

*Run down the hill*
*Die by grenade*
*Run down the hill*
*Dies again*

And repeat.

Know what I do? If I die going one way, I'll find another.

I NEVER go straight for the hotel flag at the start of a Karkand round. The only time I ever will is if I go round from the sides, I'll still never go directly  at it.

And I see 3/4 of the team doing the above stupidity every round.

Well, actually, now I think on it, cannon fodder's always good to have.
It doesn't matter where you go on I/O Kark. Unless you have an entire squad of medics you will die before you get to any flags. Down the middle you will get nade spammed, if you make it past all of that you will be killed by a claymore. Moving accros the hills you will have countless other players blocking your path. Trying to go along side the wall is just asking to be sniped. Its I/O + Kark + 64 players = FAIL.  Nothing but quick points, rarely do flags get taken, and the same trash gameplay just repeats itself over and over.

Sgt.Kyle wrote:

People probably like it for a few reason, the close gun battles, which means the flags are new each other, no running around for 10 hours to get to a flag. Can get points easier, either if its revive whoring because of the nade spammers who sit on the top of the hill and just nade the whole round and you can't get to em because of a stupid server rule.
You don't get any gun battles because nades and clays kill you first. Any attempt to use a gun will result in insta death. EDIT: The exception is the G36E

Its nothing but pure spam and stalemates. The same battle happens at every flag even if the USMC manage to get a flag. The only thing that may change is the path you take to die, just to be revived by  medic then die again with the medic who help by a perfectly timed grenade.

Last edited by Evil_Black_Fox (2009-06-16 09:16:24)

sophisticated slacker
+334|6637|Graz, Austria

Evil_Black_Fox wrote:

It doesn't matter where you go on I/O Kark. Unless you have an entire squad of medics you will die before you get to any flags. Down the middle you will get nade spammed, if you make it past all of that you will be killed by a claymore. Moving accros the hills you will have countless other players blocking your path. Trying to go along side the wall is just asking to be sniped. Its I/O + Kark + 64 players = FAIL.  Nothing but quick points, rarely do flags get taken, and the same trash gameplay just repeats itself over and over.
You forgot to mention the "assault snipers" that drop claymores in front of your feet as soon as you come down the hill.
+15|6119|Malaga, Spain
Indeed, Karkand IO with 64 players is bloody terrible. At the very most it should have about 40.

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