formerly from OC (it's EXACTLY like on tv)[truth]
+77|5924|Greatest Nation on Earth(USA)

Spoonfed_Commando wrote:

...AND have a more powerful chain gun.

the thing is worse than the BH minigun almost

In my experience, Except when I TK'ed someone on Oman who was @ the village or whatever spawn, it's like 400-500m, never killed anyone else with it, it was my 1st TK though
Germans did 911
+427|6994|Disaster Free Zone

Spoonfed_Commando wrote:

They need to increase the effectiveness of the Essex AA gun. It's useless against jets and choppers.
If you could aim you could take a jet out in about half a second and a chopper in not much longer.
The AA should have a larger lock on range than a choppers TVG Missile
lol, or not.
Find your center.

HaiBai wrote:

Battlefield 2 v1.50 in 2-3 Weeks

There are some things the tidy up before final like the inability to play Special Forces.
WAT?! If I can't play SF after 1.5 release then I'm gonna cry.
Nature is a powerful force. Those who seek to subdue nature, never do so permanently.
Since day One.

Im_Dooomed wrote:

HaiBai wrote:

Battlefield 2 v1.50 in 2-3 Weeks

There are some things the tidy up before final like the inability to play Special Forces.
WAT?! If I can't play SF after 1.5 release then I'm gonna cry.
If 1.5 is not going to fix any SF issues (as there are many bugs there too) they are NUTZ!

DrunkFace wrote:

Spoonfed_Commando wrote:

They need to increase the effectiveness of the Essex AA gun. It's useless against jets and choppers.
If you could aim you could take a jet out in about half a second and a chopper in not much longer.
The AA should have a larger lock on range than a choppers TVG Missile
lol, or not.
Why do you think carrier raping happens on a frequent basis?...cause there isnt anything to effectively STOP a rape on the carrier
Back to the Fuhrer
+208|6274|Places 'n such

Spoonfed_Commando wrote:

DrunkFace wrote:

Spoonfed_Commando wrote:

They need to increase the effectiveness of the Essex AA gun. It's useless against jets and choppers.
If you could aim you could take a jet out in about half a second and a chopper in not much longer.
The AA should have a larger lock on range than a choppers TVG Missile
lol, or not.
Why do you think carrier raping happens on a frequent basis?...cause there isnt anything to effectively STOP a rape on the carrier
It doesn't need more range, just slightly more power... and I mean only slightly.
The thing needs more powerful weapons than the jets to stop carrier rape
I'd type my pc specs out all fancy again but teh mods would remove it. Again.
Germans did 911
+427|6994|Disaster Free Zone

Spoonfed_Commando wrote:

DrunkFace wrote:

Spoonfed_Commando wrote:

They need to increase the effectiveness of the Essex AA gun. It's useless against jets and choppers.
If you could aim you could take a jet out in about half a second and a chopper in not much longer.
The AA should have a larger lock on range than a choppers TVG Missile
lol, or not.
Why do you think carrier raping happens on a frequent basis?...cause there isnt anything to effectively STOP a rape on the carrier
A number of reasons.
1. No one gets into the essex (especially the second one)
2. If they happen to they can't aim.
3. No one spots the planes so the people in the essex know where to look.
4. Once the jets are killed retards takes your teams jets and fly them into the water.
+45|6181|123 | 456 | 789 | Δ
Well that's why servers with no US carrier attack are good, yea the essex can blow up a jet with cannon alone in a split second, but hardly likely when the jet is actually flying, nomatter how good your aim is, in years of playing this game I don't think I've ever once been shot down by essex guns alone, so no point saying everyone is just complete shit aim with essex, if you have a good pilot, and a good essex gunner, the essex wouldn't stand a chance- a bit more range would be good to protect the carrier more, I'm not too bothered about it to be honest but would be a bonus
+45|6181|123 | 456 | 789 | Δ
I agree with Drunkfaces points all of them, you hardly ever see people in the second essex which is very useful and a lot harder to destroy with jet, but still servers that don't allow baserape are best I think, most servers that allow it have people stuck on carrier getting bombed over and over with the enemy team going "take flag then" lol but how can you if you can't take off, all it takes is your F-35's to go down once and you can never take off again, not only with the baserape, but the opposing team usually has much better jets as well so it makes it even harder.
It is usually the teams fault for not taking flags or attempting to take them quickly but it only takes a tiny slip up to end up stuck on the carrier, it's not fair to the people who are actually trying to help the team cos they cant do anything either- it's a lot harder than it sounds to stay alive in essex when you have 2 jets constantly on you and your team and some chopper in the distance TVing you all, doesn't matter if you get kills with the essex either they come back in like a tag team when they respawn

Last edited by H3RB4L ABU53 (2009-07-25 05:42:25)


JdeFalconr wrote:

HaiBai wrote:

Battlefield 2 v1.50 Status Update
In a thread on the EA UK Forums, DICE Associate Producer, Barrie Tingle posted some additional information on the release of the Battlefield 2 v1.50 final patch.


Hey guys
I have been out of the office (although it doesnt mean I stopped working on BF2 1.50) for the last two weeks on semester. However... Emil hasn't and has been hard at work on the update after your feedback. So here is where we are at; there hasn't been any MAJOR issues in the Beta 3 that we have had reports of.

So whats changed since the Beta 3 started?
The screens below will help explain.

  • Black cross hair on the TV guided missiles
  • Widescreen FoV on widescreen resolutions

When I get back into the office next week there will be some last minute checks (no more fixes (unless something is broken that I didnt expect) or changes) and all being well the update 1.50 will be finalised and released officially.

Thanks for your feedback during the Beta phases. Its all gone a long way to make this one of the biggest changelogs that Battlefield 2 has had since launch.


EA UK Forums
Ooh I'm interested in the widescreen part. A wider field of view? Yes please. Glad I have a second monitor now
From that note it looks like 1 guy has being doing the patch !
There is.
+1,380|7004|Devon, England

Chorcai wrote:

JdeFalconr wrote:

HaiBai wrote:

Battlefield 2 v1.50 Status Update
In a thread on the EA UK Forums, DICE Associate Producer, Barrie Tingle posted some additional information on the release of the Battlefield 2 v1.50 final patch.


Hey guys
I have been out of the office (although it doesnt mean I stopped working on BF2 1.50) for the last two weeks on semester. However... Emil hasn't and has been hard at work on the update after your feedback. So here is where we are at; there hasn't been any MAJOR issues in the Beta 3 that we have had reports of.

So whats changed since the Beta 3 started?
The screens below will help explain.

  • Black cross hair on the TV guided missiles
  • Widescreen FoV on widescreen resolutions

When I get back into the office next week there will be some last minute checks (no more fixes (unless something is broken that I didnt expect) or changes) and all being well the update 1.50 will be finalised and released officially.

Thanks for your feedback during the Beta phases. Its all gone a long way to make this one of the biggest changelogs that Battlefield 2 has had since launch.


EA UK Forums
Ooh I'm interested in the widescreen part. A wider field of view? Yes please. Glad I have a second monitor now
From that note it looks like 1 guy has being doing the patch !
Three, I believe.

FFLink wrote:

Chorcai wrote:

JdeFalconr wrote:

Ooh I'm interested in the widescreen part. A wider field of view? Yes please. Glad I have a second monitor now
From that note it looks like 1 guy has being doing the patch !
Three, I believe.
/rolls eyes.

Last edited by Chorcai (2009-07-25 06:01:51)


venom6 wrote:

If 1.5 is not going to fix any SF issues (as there are many bugs there too) they are NUTZ!
This is the third beta SF hasn't worked and they'd rather add in prone deviation than fix critical issues like glitching into buildings. It's like having to put a kid in the naughty corner when you have to glitch in yourself to get them out.
+45|6181|123 | 456 | 789 | Δ
I think this whole game is getting stupid now, I know a lot of people probably say it's stupid for years but I didn't used to think that
+244|7002|arica harbour

H3RB4L ABU53 wrote:

I think this whole game is getting stupid now, I know a lot of people probably say it's stupid for years but I didn't used to think that
looks like i saw what was comming  to BF 2 when i left BF2.
+45|6181|123 | 456 | 789 | Δ
How come you still go on BF2 forums all time?

Why do people say they left BF2, like it's a job or something, but still regularly check the forums to check up on stuff- either you like the game or you don't- you clearly don't so why don't you go on forums of the game you haven't left?

Does anyone know if the widescreen fix in 1.5 will work for Special Forces, and mods like AIX?

Last edited by H3RB4L ABU53 (2009-07-25 18:41:29)

Ghost Town T90/Apache Whore
+99|6312|Aberdeen, Scotland

specialistx2324 wrote:

looks like i saw what was comming  to BF 2 when i left BF2.
Once again, your superior intellect and powers of clairvoyance astound us all

H3RB4L ABU53 wrote:

How come you still go on BF2 forums all time?

Why do people say they left BF2, like it's a job or something, but still regularly check the forums to check up on stuff- either you like the game or you don't- you clearly don't so why don't you go on forums of the game you haven't left?

Does anyone know if the widescreen fix in 1.5 will work for Special Forces, and mods like AIX?
dont know about SF but I guess the guys who made AIX will have to do a hotfix thingy-ma-jig.

# Added Battlefield 2142 style prone deviation - Fixed (going prone will now cause reduced accuracy for a brief period the same system BF2142 uses)

Is this going to be in, because I will not play.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

d4rkph03n1x wrote:

# Added Battlefield 2142 style prone deviation - Fixed (going prone will now cause reduced accuracy for a brief period the same system BF2142 uses)

Is this going to be in, because I will not play.
It will only have a big effect on you if you prone at a range so close that you could crouch for the same effect.

I know, I've played it. So many idiots here are hating on the prone dev without even seeing how it's implemented.

It's not like in 2142 where it takes like 5 seconds to correct, it takes at most .5 seconds to go away (much shorter for most weapons), so it really only prevents people from dropping to the floor in CQC, it will hardly affect long distance engagements unless you have hacks or something.

As you can see, only really noticeable on the assault rifles.

Last edited by Doctor Strangelove (2009-07-27 23:33:44)


Doctor Strangelove wrote:

d4rkph03n1x wrote:

# Added Battlefield 2142 style prone deviation - Fixed (going prone will now cause reduced accuracy for a brief period the same system BF2142 uses)

Is this going to be in, because I will not play.
It will only have a big effect on you if you prone at a range so close that you could crouch for the same effect.

I know, I've played it. So many idiots here are hating on the prone dev without even seeing how it's implemented.

It's not like in 2142 where it takes like 5 seconds to correct, it takes at most .5 seconds to go away (much shorter for most weapons), so it really only prevents people from dropping to the floor in CQC, it will hardly affect long distance engagements unless you have hacks or something.

As you can see, only really noticeable on the assault rifles.
This is my point exactly. They're changing the gameplay again, and this time i, and many others, couldn't be fucked to adapt to it. It's unneeded. 1.5 should be entirely bugfix, the gameplay is already well established and unchanged for over two years.
+1,339|6488|Sydney | ♥

beta threee..... mmmmmm
everything i write is a ramble and should not be taken seriously.... seriously.
Since day One.
I just played on a server and had a good round with cool squad and waht happend? Instant crash to desktop after i capped a flag.
Yes its 1.41 and i bet they dont really fixed any of this problems. Who will restore my deaths/suicides from my stats after crashes like this?
Ghost Town T90/Apache Whore
+99|6312|Aberdeen, Scotland

venom6 wrote:

Yes its 1.41 and i bet they dont really fixed any of this problems. Who will restore my deaths/suicides from my stats after crashes like this?

Although it is annoying, if it's your stats you're worried about, they'll still be reported as the long as the server is still running.

H3RB4L ABU53 wrote:

Well that's why servers with no US carrier attack are good, yea the essex can blow up a jet with cannon alone in a split second, but hardly likely when the jet is actually flying, nomatter how good your aim is, in years of playing this game I don't think I've ever once been shot down by essex guns alone, so no point saying everyone is just complete shit aim with essex, if you have a good pilot, and a good essex gunner, the essex wouldn't stand a chance- a bit more range would be good to protect the carrier more, I'm not too bothered about it to be honest but would be a bonus
thing is a "as he said" GOOD GUNNER not missile spammer can take a plane down since the missiles at the essex srsly , they suck but the cannon has range as a sniper very good aim and wipes out a plane in bout 1 second if you hit the plane constantly during that 1 second , and for the choppers aim for the kockpit window , havnt tried how long it takes with essex but as it takes only 8 M-95 shots it shouldnt take more than a second that either.

and for the spotting part :
yeah i know most of the time its only you good at flying AND using essex in you team , but if you play with folks who are on TS make the one waiting for f35 spot the planes/choppers have both essexes up running with engineers so that if the get blown they'll be up in notime AND make sure the commander supplies with UAV a little bit away from the carrier and that he spot the planes BEFORE they start shooting...since he probably has nothing better to do as the team hasn't got any flags.

there you have do like this rape will end in 2 minutes tops , as long as the f35pilots are decent dogfighters ( ive only experienced this once but that was some awsm teamwork )

Last edited by thepilot91 (2009-07-28 05:26:57)

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