If you don't like gore you should check out kill bill.Choclot wrote:
Am I the only one here who was extremely disturbed by the bat scene? The gore was far too unnecessary, not to mention too realistic. Would of been far more powerful if they didnt show the officers head splitting open and what not. Also the stabbing scenes and when The Jew Bear shoots Hitler in the face, way too extreme.
Also, it did drag on for a bit at some stages but most of the time it worked for me, such as the bar scene: It really helps you capture the slow building of tension. And as for character development, the German soldier who is celebrating the birth of his child at the bar really made me hate the Basterds and the film star once they killed him. Good how they show some of the Germans as humans, but it makes you turn against the Allies for being os inhumane.
Overall, worth the money but its not another Pulp Fiction or Reservoir Dogs at all.