whats the deal with all the greedy bastards complainning they want their money back , now when the boosterpacks are getting free ?!
I mean redalert 1 was also able to be downloaded for free when RA 3 came out , besides dunno how much you payed for em but when i was about to buy them they were 9.90 € each (wich i didn't) so its not a fortune exactely...
and last , since i have a "bf2 ultimate colletion pack " WICH DOESNT WORK (although ive totally during 1 week tried to solve the problem speeking with EA by the phone , sat about 30 hours for a total) so im only glad theyre announcing them free so i hopefully get to play AF as I always wanted:D
I mean redalert 1 was also able to be downloaded for free when RA 3 came out , besides dunno how much you payed for em but when i was about to buy them they were 9.90 € each (wich i didn't) so its not a fortune exactely...
and last , since i have a "bf2 ultimate colletion pack " WICH DOESNT WORK (although ive totally during 1 week tried to solve the problem speeking with EA by the phone , sat about 30 hours for a total) so im only glad theyre announcing them free so i hopefully get to play AF as I always wanted:D
Last edited by thepilot91 (2009-08-27 06:44:29)