It's much less than other places. He probably gets his opinions from the Daily Mail, because they're always sprouting on about how unbiased shit is. You can easily tell over here when someone is getting their opinions from the Daily Hate. There's much better on offer over here than the tabloids. Overall the US media is more like our tabloids, than our proper media. But that's because your media is much more business orientated than ours.
You quote this guy and act like it's the final word, even when I myself said that I reckon it's becoming less biased than it was before. So who are you gonna believe, probably him, seeing as you usually agree with him. This is what I mean, it's all bullshit at the end of the day. No point in even bothering.
You call me a sheep when you take MOAB's word as an argument to what I said. Ok then. You even use his quote so much that you say I know nothing, how does that even make fucking sense.
I've seen Fox, I've seen Fox News. I use the BBC, Telegraph, Guardian. Fox is more akin to The Sun/Daily Mail. Sensationalist, headlines, business media, all that.
Last edited by Mekstizzle (2010-01-30 12:30:07)