DrDestruction wrote:
Which is where it should be, in a game like this. This game is based around multiplayer gaming - a method that is rapidly becoming commonplace (Multiplayer first, singleplayer second).
If you had training modes, boot camp, all that stuff, you would have everyone coming online and being "experts" at the game. This would give the newer player, one that can't do the training for whatever reason or one that just wants to play online, almost no chance at anything. It's the difference between going to school and learning things as your life happens - school can only teach you so much, but its the life experience from interacting with people that makes all the difference. Without training, you get a much more diverse playing field that, when a really good player comes on, allows people to see it and say "Hey, that guy is really good". Imagine what the game would be like if EVERYONE had scores of 80+ each round. There would be promotions left and right and it would make the ranking system totally worthless.
I think it's fine how it is. It allows for more improvisation, too - Im sure that any EA Games sanctioned training mode wouldn't include so much as a footnote about Jihad Jeeping, pixel shooting with TOW's (Shooting a TOW at a target you cannot see), or dropping supplies on your own commander assets, to name a few "improvised" methods of things that BF2 players have come up with.
Being forced to learn things on your own means that there is a wide range of different methods to complete each task, based on each person's abilities, mindsets, etc. I think the game is much more fun that way.
I have to disagree with you on about every point here. First, I dont think offline training would turn everyone into instant experts by a long stretch. Additionally its pretty impossible for everyone in a game to get 80+ points. This would require an extremely long game, or one where no one gets any kills, and the teams just trade bases back and forth.
Learning new things online can be extremely difficult, especially if you dont have experienced friends already playing the game. Imagine how hard it could be for a newbie to learn the subtleties of a chopper, when there are some very talented players on AA vehicles blowing him out of the air before he gets 20 seconds of flight time.
Yes there are improvisational things players pick up, and I would not expect a training mode to provide you with those thing. I do suppose someone could set up a single player mission, and set the difficulty to easy, and they should be able to learn stuff. But many new players wouldnt even think of doing that.
Reminds me too much of job senarios, when management thinks, why both training, they can just train on the floor as they go, massive disasters ensue....