Uzique wrote:
blah blah blah.
I never said I was at the zenith of sound, let alone near it, what I said was to get to the 'zenith of sound' would cost an insane amount, and, at least in my opinion, progressing much above what I have now is a pointless act to me. I could probably get a new sound card, maybe splash out £150 on it, and wouldn't get as much enjoyment from it as spending £150 on pints, or a new keyboard or something. What I'm saying is, when you have the basics of sound down, IE, you can hear the sound, it sounds alright, IMO there's a lot better things to spend the cash on.
Defiance wrote:
You're right, that point does exist. But, you're far from it, and you can't say your setup cost £90 when you were gifted components and you forgot to mention the headphone amp at all in your cost analysis.
Yes, I agree that those cables are a waste of money. But, a good DAC, amp, and set of headphones/speakers are critical components and warrant a slight investment if you are truly interested in getting good sound. You don't seem to be that interested, so you're fine being happy with what works for you.
I don't imagine I'm FAR from it, like I said above I'd probably get a decent mid-level sound card and then I'd be pretty close to the price:improvement sillyness.
Also I didn't mention the amp, because it's been in my family about 30 years and is a decrepit broken thing, that's probably only worth about £10 nowadays. Freezer'd still fap though.
Bevo wrote:
I do notice the buzz and screeching though which is the main issue in the first place. I don't plan to spend that much more, besides the external.
I thought that was due to dirty leccy in your laptop or something? Which can only be solved by a new powersource as an amplifier? I'm not an expert, but I don't see new cables in that?