where did i say cod invented it? stop being a dumb cunt. you can clearly see the similarity between the one captured in liq's frame and the one's i'm talking about from cod4 single-player. all i'm saying is that those sights sucked dick and weren't even included in CoD's multiplayer. why do we need them in BF3? they suck, period. nowhere am i saying that infinity ward invented the concept of a red-dot sight, nor did they originally model that particular sight. i'm just saying it's odd to see something like that in a battlefield game.FloppY_ wrote:
You honestly think COD4 invented holographic sights?Uzique wrote:
i mean yeah copying the shitty red-dot sights from cod4's single-player campaign is a great idea
everyone loved those, right
even infinity ward didn't put them in the cod4 multiplayer
honestly what the fuck
Fuck Counter-Strike 1.3 had red-dots too.. did COD copy that?
floppy they can't give that footage because they don't have it. they're just cashing in on eager-pc gamer's hype and nostalgic enthusiasm. i'm very reserved about this game. i think it's just going to be a 64-player bad company 2. i cannot see how they can return the 'feel' of BF2 when reusing the BC2 engine and basic framework.
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