Bringing Sexy Back
I was just calibrating my new joystick in a local server I had created and was dicking about in the F-35 I flipped it into hover and noticed that I could float just above flags or anything else for that matter and if you tap your alt fire button whilst on bombs you can drop one at a time.

I was just wondering if any of the pr0 pilots out there could pull off these monuvers to their advantage?


Has anyone used or seen these tactics deployed during a game?

I think it would be an spectacular and unexpected trick to pull off in the middle of a round with these ever changing battlefield tactics, is it possible or would it just be too damn hard and leave you susceptible to enemy fire? I look forward to hearing your replies.
+0|7073|The Hairy Mole On Earth's Ass
You would probably get blown out of the air fairly quickly, as it doesn't take too much to knock out a F-35.
Bringing Sexy Back
Yeh but if you do it you should get a jetwhore leet bonus of 10000000000000 points.
+0|7073|The Hairy Mole On Earth's Ass
It would work, if you could stay alive. You just have to consider the enemies that spawn away from the flag that you won't be able to bomb.
Pew Pew!
+216|7161|San Francisco

It is possible if noone is around, however it only takes two missiles from an attack chopper to blow up an airplane, so you are pretty easily killed should any AT or chopper-folk show up.
+36|7088|Forster NSW
I think its a clever idea and people would be like



Ima try it but yeah you can get shot pretty eazy
BUT you have some anti missle Measure you can use.

Last edited by Ballistix5 (2005-10-26 01:43:17)

Level 13.5 BF2S Ninja Penguin Sensei

but the flares won't work against chopper missiles or even a single personel rocket. I tried to hover over a repair crate one time (refueling was taken) and in less than 10 seconds someone shot an Eryx and it blew me apart in one hit.
+76|7089|Antwerp, Flanders
That would propably be unsafe because it doesn't take much to bring down a fighter.
Yesterday on 64 player Dragon V. I was in a Chinese fighter and the USMC had taken our refinery CP (the one with the airstrip - we only had 2 other CP's left). Because I was out of missiles and bombs and my gun ammunition was down to 50% I decided to have some fun and landed it on the Essex. Got out, hid somewhere and suddenly this guy spawns on the deck, notices the Chinese fighter and jumps in.
Took it out with 1 Eryx rocket and it was undamaged so...
Get C4, here!

I've seen f35s hover to cap flags
I'm sure this can be done... but make sure you're high enough to avoid most enemy fire, and so you don't blow yourself up when you release the bombs
I seen it done..

.. Then i hit the guy down in a tank..
i have seen it to but the guy in the plane was shot in about 10 seconds

when you do that you have a big chance you will be shot down immediatly
I've done something similar..I hovered from the carrier on wake in and F-35 and I cannoned 5 infantry and then a tank without taking damage
Level 13.5 BF2S Ninja Penguin Sensei

yaeh, it takes only one antitank rocket to take down a plane, so much fun if you're carrier campnig.
Aussie Outlaw
Would be quite a stupid move.
+66|7155|Missoula, MT
I like it...maybe if you could get a supply box on top of the plane...yeah!  hehe. 

Even better...

Pilot = medic
Support = on top of plane
Engineer = on top of plane
oh yeah! 

Last edited by CMDR_Dave (2005-10-26 04:25:00)

Aussie Outlaw
Get a support dude on top of it dropping his shit.
+3|7094|Abilene, Texas
Better in a chopper transport and a spec-ops dropping C4 bombs...  You get medic + support + 2 engineers + spec-ops in a transport and you're a killing machine!!!

Last edited by KillerAFET (2005-10-26 04:33:07)

Destroy Noob Cannons
I have capped a flag in a F35 before. but nobody was around...
But it would never work with more than 2 guys around... Planes are so weak. I took a plane out with an buggy while it was zipping down the runway.
Enemy Boat Spotted
+17|7158|United Kingdom
capped the third chopper spawn in oilfields in the bomber once when the server was pretty empty (10 or so people)
+1|7136|Los Angeles, CA
There are a few logistical problems to address. First off, it takes a good amount of time for the F35 to cease high speed forwad momentum. Also, at that time, the altitude of the F35 comes into play. You'd have to be in a controllable dive, and switch to VTOL, giving yourself sufficient time to deccelerate, and maneuver for the target.
As was previously mentioned, you'd have to be high up enough to avoid the bombs blast radius. Not knowing whats beneath you is also a problem, and accidentally rolling to a different angle could produce disaterous results as the VTOL doesn't seem to be the most stable.

my 2 cents.
Hover bombing is extremely ineffective unless you know what you are doing.  I think I pulled it off once when a tank was right under me trying to cap a flag.  You are much better off using the 20MM in the f35.  Just activate the VTOL system a good distance away from your target so that you stop about 100-200M infront of it.  Gauging the distance will take quite some time to get the hang of but once you master this technique you can be your teams greatest anti-infantry weapon.  Remember in order to survive the transition to VTOL you need to keep your nose pointed up once your speed goes below 400 or else you will get caught in a slow decent.

This trick is pretty much all I do on wake and several people have accused me of being Teh OMG H@X!! several times.  Remember, like other people said you are EXTREMELY vulnerable to AT and chopper whores so you have to keep your wits about you constantly while doing this. 

A few tips, don't hover in the same place too long.  Rack up about half a dozen kills then haul ass to a different spot.  Also the F35 works much like a lame chopper when it's in hover mode.  You will move forward if you tilt your nose down.  Transversly if you tip your nose up by about 15-30 degrees you will be able to backpedal a little.

I can't stress how much fun this can be once you learn the proper way to do it. Nothing beats watching an entire squad of troops running for cover only to be mowed down by the big 20.   Remember try not to abuse this like stealing it from the enemies carrier when they have no land bases and coming back around in hover to mow down everyone on the deck.

Last edited by Feydd (2005-10-26 07:51:22)


divided wrote:

I've done something similar..I hovered from the carrier on wake in and F-35 and I cannoned 5 infantry and then a tank without taking damage
I might have been one of the people you cannoned.  I was just going to mention how one time at Wake someone brought an F-35 over and spawn camped our last base, just laying cannon fire into our main base area, taking out a ton of people.

You really pissed me off.  Or people like you really piss me off.  It might not've been you though, because I sniped this particular pilot out of his F-35 and watched it tumble towards the water.  That was fun .
Straddle my Member
+0|7072|The Netherlands
yeah, I've seen it happen, some d*** on my team that needed the hoverfunction to take off, I looked up and he dropped 2 in my face, I voted Yes.
The All Rounder
+22|7072|Rotherham, England
I'm new to these forums so, first i'll say hi everybody.
Now on to the topic at hand, i have seen hover capping and other things, but only on servers with hardly anybody in it. So i tried it myself in a full server and let me tell you, you won't last for very long. I tried it on dragon valley at the docks spawn point and got absolutely mauled from a jeep within a few seconds of me hovering over the flag.
One thing that is quite easy to do though is slow down to a hover to shoot enemy choppers, rather than flyin straight past them because your going much faster than they are, this is quite effective as long as you get away quickly after you've finished.

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