I was just calibrating my new joystick in a local server I had created and was dicking about in the F-35 I flipped it into hover and noticed that I could float just above flags or anything else for that matter and if you tap your alt fire button whilst on bombs you can drop one at a time.
I was just wondering if any of the pr0 pilots out there could pull off these monuvers to their advantage?
Has anyone used or seen these tactics deployed during a game?
I think it would be an spectacular and unexpected trick to pull off in the middle of a round with these ever changing battlefield tactics, is it possible or would it just be too damn hard and leave you susceptible to enemy fire? I look forward to hearing your replies.
I was just wondering if any of the pr0 pilots out there could pull off these monuvers to their advantage?
Has anyone used or seen these tactics deployed during a game?
I think it would be an spectacular and unexpected trick to pull off in the middle of a round with these ever changing battlefield tactics, is it possible or would it just be too damn hard and leave you susceptible to enemy fire? I look forward to hearing your replies.