So both sides are exactly the same, what is the point you're making?Jay wrote:
Democrats are money raising machines. They're in control in the most wealthy states and milk their local industries like crazy. For a party that always talks about the need for campaign finance reform and overturning citizens united, they sure don't have a problem with taking wall street and hollywood money. They're fucking hypocrites. At least the republicans are honest. Bernie Sanders financed his campaign like the democrats would if they were actually honest and ethical and not just looking for spoils.Dilbert_X wrote:
Do the Republicans not normally raise money then?
Donors have abandoned a Trump led campaign, Democrats raising money as normal while Trump fails is not down to the Democrats being evil.
Bringing back lobbyists is Hillary stating that we're now ready to return to business as usual, with open corruption ruling in DC. She couldn't be more tone deaf to why everyone absolutely despises her.
Fuck Israel