SuperJail Warden wrote:
Jay wrote:
SuperJail Warden wrote:
I think you just don't like having to pay for ESPN. Everything less is superfluous
It's all subjective, that's why. How do you calculate harm vs good? Who is harmed? Who is helped? What are the unforeseen consequences of breaking up a monopoly? Is the monopoly really harmful or will its replacement actually be harmful? It's all very much lodged in a moral gray area.
One universally agreed upon fact by everyone here is that you only see what effect something has on you and then justify it ex post facto.
Yeah, that's because you're all a bunch of twits that really don't have any idea what you're arguing about. uzi gets his ideas second hand from some faculty lounge he once visited, dilbert hasn't had an updated idea since approximately 1998 and you, while you've got a good memory, have applied it on stupid shit. Sometimes you let slip stuff that makes me think you actually understand more than you do. Like, I get a glimpse and I'm like wow, there's something there, he actually understands the political side of the argument he's making, and then I realize it's something you picked up on a reddit forum and you didn't really understand what you were repeating, or if you really do, you just can't break character long enough to have a genuine conversation.
I've spent the past ten years arguing with people who haven't taken any time to understand my position except as a caricature, and who have built up narratives that let them dismiss whatever I say out of hand. If I cared about universal agreement I would've left a long time ago. I'm only ever been here to argue a point of view.