Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|7057|Malaga, España
this is not a complain, just some thing what came up when i play this map.

1. Sometimes you have those rounds as an USMC that the team isnt capable to capture not even 1 shitty Flag...why is this ? well the best reason to come up with is. Hotel flag....this is the point where the most killing come in to play by the famous GL fest....in place of thinking to throw down that flag lets kill mecs they keep spawning yihaaaaaaaaa GL moment. so the round ends in 10 minutes because 9 of the 16 players are using there M203 or GP30 to blow the shit out of eachother...the medics dont really mind they got a job to do to keep tubers alive (really good for ur Teamwork score) and de Support kits neither mind it (Dude This is golden points to get) so they dont care they lose the round they end up with a mass of kills....and i dont understand it really i dont. why not blow the shit out of mecs when ur about 5 or less meters from the flag to capture...and gets moving or is everyone to lazy to move there ass to the next flag to have a party there? well, i dont really bother it but sometimes its a waste of a round to play like that.

2. this can sound complaining but it isnt...because armors come in to play. Armors are realy important in Karkland if a team has all of the armor vehicules (mostly USMC ) they can win easy by storming to the flags with it. but you have those rounds (as an MEC) that the round gets dominated by one APC and one Tank...why? because there arent enough AT kits walking around...or they dont work together. so what you get: yep peope that are going to yell TankWhore, Spawnraper, tanknoob, etc etc. and 1 tank can be blown up by 3 rockets of an AT kit (depends if there isnt a engineer around or supply crate) if there is a Crate next to the tanks firts blow that one up to prevent that het get repaired. the best way to work together is creating an AT Squad. with 4 people 3 AT kits and 1 Support to give ammo. and use Voiceip or just force them to be close to eachother to get rid of that armor fag. C4 will also do, but you must do it so fast that mostly you fail by getting killed . the best way to get rid of Tanks with C4 is jihad jeeping , 70 % succes if u just ram ur vodnik into the armor. jumping out and press the button can fail if u take a bit more time.
Solutions to get rid of the Tanks in karkland is simple : 3 AT 1 Support in a squad and Co-operate together!
Or be a brainless Spec op with a Jihad feeling

3. MECS bouncing around at the USMC uncapable spawnpoints : well if ur a mec u dont really mind if its going good. but i think when mec is doing this kinda stuff they are just not thinking . 1 outta 5 times they win the round with it. they just go like a brainless idiot storming up that hill to tube, C4 hop or nading the shit outta of the what i call Whining USMC because they keep spawning there when meanwhile the rest of the team has been smart and conquered MEC Main Base (u know where there Arty, Satalite, UAV is ), train accident, and market . and they are doing perfectly fine while the mecs notice that there stupidity made them blind and seeing their life stocks draining like hell.  and so they lost the round. so my advice is as an MEC just defend ur flags.

4. The punishments : ow this is really happening a lot in karkland.....what kind of punishments we have let's see...
* Teamplayers stupidity : driving in to your placed mines, saying sorry doesnt save ur score...they are just pissed off thats all.
* It,s Raining Nades : Well if u dont look carefully on ur mini map to see if there is any teamplayer in front of you ur just asking to get ur ass punished.
* Sniper worst nightmare : U have been shot, ur bleeding (1 health bar left) but ur on the roof with a claymore placed on top of it....then u hear the sound u just didnt wanted to hear ''GET FIRST AID HERE!'' and u hear him going up the stairs ! what to do what to do! well nothing it,s to late BLAM medic dead so in place to get first aid, u notice that ur 3th party insurance hasnt been paid.

there is a lot of punishing going around in karkland we cant solve it we can only say that we have to be carefull.

5. Commander commanding on the wrong way : we see a lot that they going into the APC or Tank and trying to kill and command at the same time this is really going wrong. he doesnt pay enought attention to his team and squads so the round turn out in a loss. the best way to command is as an Engineer so when ur toys getting blown up u can repair them urself . because its really a waste of Supplies to throw down on ur toys when u team needs it harder. when ur USMC use a humvee to get urself to ur arty when they have been blown up. and to kill sneaking mecs on long distances. but stay out of combat. and u have commanders that dont command but just want to have the 2x at the end of the round this are the commanders that doesnt give ur squads orders or the stuff the squad needs (UAV overflight, Arty Barrage, Supply drop) but the again the opesite problem for the commander. that squads dont do what u ask for like giving them an order to take over a Flag and they dont respond or say no, when i say no to a commander i show him we are bussy with something else (like getting another flag) . but alright that happens daily so....yep nothing to do about maybe giving the Right to disband the whole squad as an commander ?

so my final words are : i played to much karkland i know, i,m thinking about going to get a Wake Island fever. i wanted to go yesterday but EA serverlist only showed me 75 servers ? is there a new patch on the way or something or is EA messing around again?
+0|7043|im from idaho but liven in MD
maybe ea is getting rid of all them faggety ass clan server who make up there own shit an ban if you have the slightest promblem or complaint
Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|7057|Malaga, España
well i cant spot the EA europe neither so i think something is wrong with there server list
+1|7074|Oslo, Norway
if you havent noticed, instead of straight, you can go on both left and right side with car and apc.

actually, on the left side, you can drive everything but a tank around the house and continue to the spawn. on the right side, you can put the trottle to the floor on an apc, and run outside the wall. you have a margin of 1 secound before you get punished...

if you stick close to the wall, you can go by foot aswell...

so why bother getting killed in the main street?

Last edited by OmS-NAS (2005-12-13 04:29:46)

+17|7051|South Africa

OmS-NAS wrote:

if you havent noticed, instead of straight, you can go on both left and right side with car and apc.

actually, on the left side, you can drive everything but a tank around the house and continue to the spawn. on the right side, you can put the trottle to the floor on an apc, and run outside the wall. you have a margin of 1 secound before you get punished...

if you stick close to the wall, you can go by foot aswell...

so why bother getting killed in the main street?
Actually u can get a usmc tank past the house on the left flank of karkand.
Something else. A clan in a neutral server (not their clanserver) statspadding like hell. Voting everyone off that server so they can continue statspadding. Finally you getting banned because they managed to vote you three times of the server and you were stupid enough to join that server two times. Nasty.

*ToRRo*cT| wrote:

1. Sometimes you have those rounds as an USMC that the team isnt capable to capture not even 1 shitty Flag...why is this ? well the best reason to come up with is. Hotel flag....this is the point where the most killing come in to play by the famous GL fest....in place of thinking to throw down that flag lets kill mecs they keep spawning yihaaaaaaaaa GL moment.
Well, the way Karkand is set up, a good MEC team working as a TEAM should never let the USMC out of their main spawns.  As wide as it is, that entire area south of the Hotel spawn is one huge chokepoint, and can easily be closed off by 16 players playing together...which of course, never happens 

- USMC's armor can be easily countered...one player spawns at Gatehouse and grabs MEC armor and immediately heads for Hotel area.
- Groundpounders trying to sneak to the east and west can easily be contained in the forward spawn areas by snipers and other infantry.
- Armor and humvees can easily be countered by AT troops with Support troops in tow.
- And if all else fails, mine the roads, C4 the flag area.

I've said it for a while now...give me 15 decent players and one good commander, all on comms and working together as a team, and we can keep the USMC side south of the hotel for the entire game.  Spread out, place the proper troops in the proper places, and deny the enemy space and time.  Three things preclude this from ever happening, though:

- First and foremost, no BF2 team ever works together.  Games of BF2 consist of loosely-organized individual players with a few teamwork-oriented squads mixed in.  This is the nature of the beast.
- Quick loaders can be loaded and past the hotel spawn before most of us get in game, since hardly any servers have a start delay.
- The stats system means that in any given game, at least half of the players on the team will be more concerned with stat-whoring than doing what needs to be done for the team to win.

Off-topic, but that last point was evidenced last night on a lightly-populated Clean Sweep server I was on...the MEC side had *all* the jets (yes, all four on a 64 player map) at one point.  They were bombing us into submission since there's no way to shoot them down.  At some point in the game, with us holding only about half the spawns on land, an entire six-man squad decided they were going to go and be base-raping snatches...which was odd, considering it left only about 5 MEC troops to take on the entire US team (minus me) on the islands.

In short order, a three-person squad of my clanmates (I was commanding at the main base) took every single spawn on the islands, and the last few stragglers were hemmed in at the USMC base, running back and forth looking for troops to kill.  They found only me...and I hopped in a jeep and kept them running around like the morons that they were until my entire team boated in and gave them teh buttsex.  Their pilots were unable to re-arm when we took their airfields, but like idiots they stayed in the air until one of our jets got airborne, and from there it was just attrition dogfighting, with the US pilot easily shooting down two MEC jets that couldn't repair.

The need to stat-whore makes people do odd things...that MEC team lost that game despite being up by 80+ tickets because they decided to ignore gameplay and go pad their stats.  Guess they shoulda worried about spawns...
On a Karkand only server, some of the players will be there to get their pistol/knife/C4/veteran first aid badges. You can't expect much teamwork from them. I'm myself guilty of hunting the badges without caring about winning. So, perhaps a mixed-maps server will give you more teamwork.
Artillery catcher
+5|7152|Munich, Germany
i was playin as MEC yesterday and US had taken our main base (32 map). our squad was fighting on the bridge trying to get the base back. then i see a friendly tank roll by and i wondered.
so these mungos took the M1A1 from our bas base and didnt even bother to get it back but instead went into town to get more kills. i was so angry at them i could have C4ed him or so. we lost the round in about 7min.

next round i took command and defended the bas emyself most of the time and we only lost 0-7 or something quite close and lost out base only once to a neutral flag cause i blew up the guys trying to take it. if i had a more decent team we might have won the round but they always went to 1 place even though i tried to order my squads to different places but like always they only looked for kills not the victory of the round

imho the main problem is that most players want to run around with blazin guns, have a high K/D ratio to impress their virtual buddies and something i cant figure out
if you watch how the average cannon fodder is moving around its no wonder. they have no idea about military tactics, outsmarting the opponent and how to keep an overview of the battle (but not listenint to the commander either). most players i see are just goin straight for the next flag and die on the way cause its so obvious that they will come from that direction, but i wont try to teach lemmings something
why do people insist on saying karkland THERES no L. ITS karkand karkand karkand karkand, its not a magical land of fun you can play non-stop, or is it?
Artillery catcher
+5|7152|Munich, Germany
or at least say Kirkland as an hommage to James Tiberius K.
Horseman 77
Armor was designed not to fight other aromr but to punch through to enemy rear, Take an APC M1A or any thing fast. get through and  past first flag. Just turn a flag white so they cant spawn at it. Then boogie to another B4 arty rains, They will spawn at rear to hold it and the flags will roll up. Only a dk hd parks tank near Hotel flag to let it get pounded by rockets.

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