I think capture points should be given to the guy raising more time the flag.
This is what I talk about....
I arrive to a flag alone.
I convert it in neutral.
Normally enemies see this and start running to this flag to defend it.
I am raising the flag and almost at the top some enemy kill me.
One guy of my team kill this enemy then he ends raising the flag and the capture points are for him and nothing for me.
I think points should be for the one raising the most of the flag and he should receive a capture assistance.
This is what I talk about....
I arrive to a flag alone.
I convert it in neutral.
Normally enemies see this and start running to this flag to defend it.
I am raising the flag and almost at the top some enemy kill me.
One guy of my team kill this enemy then he ends raising the flag and the capture points are for him and nothing for me.
I think points should be for the one raising the most of the flag and he should receive a capture assistance.